Thursday, November 10, 2011

how to survive zombies on call of duty

How to Get Far in Call of Duty: World at War: Nazi Zombies

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

This guide will help you get far in Nazi Zombies. It is simple, yet fun.


  1. Levels 1-4. When you spawn, there is a machine behind you called the Pack-a-Punch. It upgrades your weapons for $5000 dollars, but more on that later. There are four windows. 1 person-stand near Karsk98k, 2 people-each one gets 2 windows,3 people-one person gets 2 windows ,4 people-everyone gets 1 and only 1 window. At level 3, shoot the moon 3 times;this makes dogs(more like rabid wolverines)come after round 7. AFTER round 4 is over, go open the door with the stairs, then the next two.
  2. Levels 5-12. Go get a mystery box weapon and turn the power on. For this you need $950, which you should have. Trade it for your pistol. The best guns are: MG-42, Browining, PPSH-41, Ray Gun, and Wunderwaffe(monkey bombs also wanted). Go to the M1A1 Carbine room(right side of mystery box room) and camp there. DO NOT OPEN ANY DOORS!!!!! watch the back window occasionally, but mostly watch the hallway. You want to make a crawler by throwing a grenade at it. Go get Juggernog($2500) by going over the bridge, down the steps, taking a right and buying it on the right hand side. Clear the debris on the hallway and open the teleporter room(which costs $1250, not $750). Next link the Type 100 teleporter(door after the stairs in the thompson room). If you have enough($4000+)then open the last door(back door where the original mystery box was). By the way to know where the mystery box is after the teddy bear, look up into the sky and look for a long stream of light.
  3. Levels 13-whenever you start getting overwhelmed. You should have 2 upgraded guns(i prefer MG-42 and Ray Gun. With the 3 gun glitch try to get PPSH),Juggernog(SpeedCola and Quick Revive optional)monkey bombs, the bowie knife which is located in the back teleporter room, and bouncing betties. When you get mobbed by whordes of zombies, call in your fellow teammates. You watch the window and they watch the hallway. This teqhnique does not work if you have opened one of the two doors. If one of you dies, throw a monkey bomb and revive them. If two of them are down, throw a monkey bomb if the zombies arent overwhelming you too much. If they are then open the door near the back window and turn on the barrier. The electricity is located on the right side when you get in. MAKE SURE YOU AND YOUR OTHER SURVIVOR ARE BOTH IN!!! watch your back because zombies come that way, too.
  4. If you opened the door, then head to the catwalk(stairwell in back teleporter room). Make a crawler and repair barriers, get perks, weapons, upgrade weapons, etc. I made it to round 30 using this method. Good luck!


  • An M1A1 Carbine is not bade also if you have a modded contoller.
  • Get the bowie knife on the wall in the cat walk room. This will help you get the achivement "40 knives" if you get knives in the early rounds.

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